Italian citizenship 🇮🇹

Italy Citizenship by Descent (Jure Sanguinis)

Italian citizenship passes from generation to generation through the right of blood (jure sanguinis). This means you do not need to be born in Italy, speak Italian, or prove that you are 100 percent Italian descendants. It is sufficient to prove that you are a descendant of a single qualified Italian ancestor.

The path to obtaining Italian citizenship can be long and dense with legislative details, but with our support and that of our partners, you can become an Italian citizen in the shortest possible time.

Our services are aimed at helping you in the following areas:

  • verification of your eligibility
  • reconstruction of your family tree
  • requesting the Italian records of your ancestors
  • sworn translations of non-Italian documents
  • legalization of documents by apostille


Let’s get straight to the point. The requirements on your eligibility are the first thing to check. Citizenship can be inherited on either the paternal or maternal side, although there are restrictions on the latter. Similarly, on the paternal side, you need to pay attention to the birth and naturalization dates of your ancestors.

Requirement n. 1

You need to have had an Italian ancestor who was born (or was alive) after March 17, 1861.

By Law No. 4671 of March 17, 1861, of Savoia Kingdom of Sardinia, Vittorio Emanuele II assumed the title of King of Italy and the Proclamation of the Kingdom of Italy formally took place. We could say that before this date there were no Italians, legislatively at least.

Requirement n. 2

The Italian ancestor passes citizenship to his child if and only he was naturalized after July 1, 1912, and after the birth of the child.

If he naturalized before that date, the ancestor in question lost his Italian citizenship and could not pass it on to his descendants. If he naturalized before that date, but after the birth of children, then only those children who had already turned 21 by July 1, 1912, inherited Italian citizenship.

By Law No. 555 of June 13, 1912, was introduced the possibility for Italians to acquire a second foreign citizenship without losing their Italian citizenship of origin. Prior to this date, anyone who acquired a foreign citizenship automatically renounced their Italian citizenship. This does not apply to children born abroad where citizenship is automatic by jus soli.

Requirement n. 3

If the Italian ancestor in the direct line was a woman, then she only transmitted Italian citizenship to children born after January 1, 1948.

With the advent of the Italian Republic and its constitution, the right to transmit Italian citizenship was expanded to include women. However, this extension is not retroactive, and therefore one is bound to that date.

Requirement n. 4

If your Italian ancestor gained foreign citizenship after August 15, 1992, regardless of whether this was before or after your birth, you’d qualify automatically for Italian citizenship

Law No. 91 of Feb. 5, 1992, introduced some changes on Italian citizenship. In particular, it allowed Italian citizens living abroad to acquire foreign citizenship without automatically losing their Italian citizenship.

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